![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesbatik_of_indone.gif) |
A comprehensive
site on Batik, art of textile, which is at its best in Java |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesbatik_tiles.gif) |
How the batik art has influenced an american artist
who creates ceramic tiles of great beauty. |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesmirror_site.gif) |
Same site
Discover Indonesia on another server |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesindonesia.gif) |
History and
cukture of Indonesia |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesspices___routes.gif) |
The Tropics
are the land of spices. Check how they were discovered and know
them better, and enjoy. |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesanggun__indones.gif) |
Anggun is
an Indonesian girl, who lives in France. She is a pop singer
and a beautiful girl. |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesus_ambassy_in_j.gif) |
A well informed
site. Before to go to Indonesian, you can check the advise to
American citizens who plan to travel to this country. |
![](LinksTitle/images/link_abergesmore_links_to_i.gif) |
More links
to Indonesia |